CEST (Hamburg) |
9:00am-9:10am |
Welcome and Introduction |
9:10am-9:20am |
Participants Introduction |
9:20am-10:20am |
Paper Madness I: Intervening, Teaming, Delegating: Common Challenges | Session Chair: Philippe Palanque
Everyday Automation Lab: Critical Discussion On Human Factors Students Research Projects Alessandro Pollini and Simone Pozzi (remote)
Developing a Multiple-EDT-Supervision Interface Max Kullmann, Daniel Pietschmann, Benny Liebold, Maximilian Eibl, and Lewis Chuang
Does Automation Scale? Notes From an HCI Perspective Tilo Mentler, Nadine Flegel, Jonas Pöhler, and Kristof Van Laerhoven
On the Perception of Difficulty: Differences between Human and AI Philipp Spitzer, Joshua Holstein, Michael Vössing, and Niklas Kühl
Situational Adaptive Autonomy in Human-AI Cooperation Vildan Salikutluk, Eric Frodl, Franziska Herbert, Dirk Balfanz, and Dorothea Koert
On Autonomy and Meaning in Human-Automation Interaction Shadan Sadeghian and Marc Hassenzahl
Perspectives on Mediated Reality for an Enhanced Automation Experience Florian Weidner, Tobias Schwandt, Lewis Chuang, and Wolfgang Broll
10:20am-11:00am |
Morning Break |
11:00am-12:00pm |
Paper Madness II: Automation Experience at Home and at Work | Session Chair: Virpi Roto
How People Think about Automations in Smart Homes Andrea Mattioli and Fabio Paterno
Utilizing Service Design Approach to Apply Digital Twins in Home Automation Yaxin Zheng, Regina Bernhaupt, and Harm van Essen
Can Asynchronous Kinetic Cues of Physical Inputs Improve (Home) Automation? Max Kullmann, Jan Ehlers, Eva Hornecker, and Lewis Chuang
Understanding How Task Dimensions Impact Automation Preferences with a Conversational Task Assistant Jessica He, David Piorkowski, Michael Muller, Kristina Brimijoin, Stephanie Houde, and Justin D. Weisz (remote)
AI-Assisted Document Tagging - Exploring Adaptation Effects among Domain Experts Sebastian Müller, Matthias Baldauf, and Peter Fröhlich (remote)
Synthetic Authority: Speculating the Future of Leadership in the Age of Human-Autonomy Teams Subhasree Sengupta and Nathan McNeese (remote)
The Human in the Loop in Automated Industrial Processes: Terminology, Aspects and Current Challenges in HCI Research Peter Fröhlich, Alexander Mirnig, Setareh Zafari, and Matthias Baldauf
12:00pm-12:30pm |
Group Finding and Selection of Challenges |
12:30pm-2:00pm |
Lunch Break |
2:00pm-2:25am |
Keynote "Interaction Intelligence for Interaction XP" Wendy Ju |
2:25pm-3:20pm |
Paper Madness III: Automation Experience on the Move | Session Chair: Fabio Paterno
Addressing Passenger-Vehicle Conflicts: Challenges and Research Directions Annika Stampf and Enrico Rukzio
Beyond Beeps: Designing Ambient Sound as a Take-Over Request in Automated Vehicles Soyeon Kim, Riender Happee, and René V. Egmond
ReBound: An Open-Source 3D Bounding Box Annotation Tool for Active Learning Wesley Chen, Andrew Edgley, Raunak Hota, Joshua Liu, Ezra Schwartz, Aminah Yizar, James Purtilo, and Neehar Peri (remote)
Interacting with Automated Vehicles and Why Less Might Be More Alexander Mirnig
Toward the Design of a Tele-assistance User Interface for Autonomous Vehicles Felix Tener and Joel Lanir
Merging Control and Feedback ? A New Design to Reduce Mode Confusions in the Cockpit Romane Dubus, Anke M. Brock, and Wendy E. Mackay
3:20pm-4:00pm |
Afternoon Break |
4:00pm-4:45pm |
Work on Selected Challenges |
4:45pm-5:15pm |
Group Presentations |
5:15pm-5:30pm |
Wrap-Up and Closing |