Explorative User Interfaces for Browsing Historical Maps on the Web (bibtex)
by Rainer Simon, Joachim Korb, Christian Sadilek, Matthias Baldauf
R. Simon, J. Korb, C. Sadilek and M. Baldauf, "Explorative User Interfaces for Browsing Historical Maps on the Web", e-Perimetron, vol. 5, no. 3, 2010, pp. 132-143.
Bibtex Entry:
	Author = {Rainer Simon and Joachim Korb and Christian Sadilek and Matthias Baldauf},
	Journal = {e-Perimetron},
	Number = {3},
	Pages = {132--143},
	Title = {Explorative User Interfaces for Browsing Historical Maps on the Web},
	Volume = {5},
	Year = {2010}}
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