Why so serious? The Role of Gamification on Motivation and Engagement in e-Participation (bibtex)
by Sarah-Kristin Thiel, Titiana Petra Ertiö, Matthias Baldauf
S. Thiel, T. P. Ertiö and M. Baldauf, "Why so serious? The Role of Gamification on Motivation and Engagement in e-Participation", Interaction Design and Architecture (s), 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
 author = {Sarah-Kristin Thiel and Titiana Petra Ertiö and Matthias Baldauf},
 title = {Why so serious? The Role of Gamification on Motivation and Engagement in e-Participation},
 journal = {Interaction Design and Architecture (s)},
 year = {2018},
 note = {Forthcoming}
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