Workshop Topic and Goals

Automation takes up an increasingly important role in everyday life. The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum for a holistic view on design foundations for automated systems in everyday private, public and professional surroundings. We conceive the workshop as an interdisciplinary forum for user-centered design and research, taking inspiration from diverse problem areas and application fields. Given their current relevance for automation experience, four key aspects (intelligibility, interventions, interplay, and integrity) will be addressed in expert talks, participant presentations and group-wise creative thinking exercises. The workshop will provide a further step towards a research agenda for comprehensive design and research approaches that provide a transfer and consolidation across different application domains, user requirements and system capabilities.

Previous Activities of the Everyday Automation Experience Initiative

Areas of Interest

Given their current relevance for automation experience, the workshop will focus on four key aspects of ubiquitous automated systems: intelligibility, interventions, interplay, and integrity. Corresponding research questions to be adressed include:



  • How can non-expert users obtain an overall understanding of the reasoning of a system?
  • Which styles of communication should be used to convey the state of a ubiquitous automated system?
  • How can findings on reliability displays as well as awareness and intent communication be integrated amongst different application domains?
  • How to enable people with no or little programming skills to customize the behavior of a system?



  • How to design for an enjoyable interplay of non-expert users and automated systems?
  • How will future forms of collaboration between non-expert users and automated systems look like?
  • How can non-expert users be involved in decision-making processes of ubiquitous automated systems?
  • Which are promising applications for collaboration of humans and autonomous systems in everyday life?



  • How to communicate human intervention opportunities and potential consequences?
  • How to design for (unobtrusive) awareness of ubiquitous systems’ status?
  • How to allow human interventions in complex automated procedures?
  • To what extend should users be able to overrule the system behavior?



  • How to design for integrity of automation?
  • Is training necessary for interacting with everyday automation?
  • What are the interaction design practices to ensure automation integrity in different types of projects and contexts?
  • How to assess automation integrity on user interface/interaction level?

Call for Participation

This one-day workshop provides a multi-disciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners working on automated systems and corresponding human interactions. Participants are asked to submit a position paper describing their recent or future work in the field of 'everyday automation experiences'.

  • Position papers must be formatted according to the CHI Extended Abstract template and comprise between three and five pages.
  • Position papers must be submitted in PDF format (non-anonymized) to
  • The submissions will be reviewed by the organizers (and additional experts, if required) based on relevance, originality, significance and quality.
  • Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop.
  • All workshop participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the main conference.
Important Dates
  • Submission of position papers: February 18th 2020
  • Decision to authors: February 25th 2020
  • Camera-ready versions due: March 29th 2020
  • Workshop: April 26th 2020 April 27th 2020 (virtual)

Accepted Papers

Organizers & Contact

In case you have questions regarding the workshop, feel free to contact the organizers.


Peter Fröhlich

Senior Scientist at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Technology Experience


Matthias Baldauf

Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences St.Gallen


Philippe Palanque

Professor at University of Toulouse


Virpi Roto

Professor of Practice in Experience Design at Aalto University


Thomas Meneweger

PhD student and research fellow at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg


Manfred Tscheligi

Professor for HCI & Usability at the University of Salzburg and Head of the Center for Technology Experience at AIT (Vienna)


Zoe Becerra

PhD student at the Sonification Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology


Fabio Paternó

Research Director at C.N.R.-ISTI in Pisa

This workshop is in part supported by the projects MMAssist II (FFG No. 858623) as part of the program "Produktion der Zukunft" and "auto.Bus – Seestadt" (FFG No. 860822) as part of the program “Mobilität der Zukunft” that are operated by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG. The financial support by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology is gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore, we would like to acknowledge the support by the project SIM4BLOCKS (funded from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research innovation program under grant agreement No. 695965) and the project VA-PEPR (funded by the SNF Sinergia program under grant agreement No. CRSII5_189955).